Home automation and IoT (Internet of Things )
have made tremendous progress in the last few years. The success and support for the Arduino platform, the availability of affordable transceivers and sensors had made things possible I only could dream about 5 years ago.
For a very long time now I was mostly driven by the wish to detect harmful situations in my home, like fire, water, gas, … and report that directly to me, wherever I am in this big world. E.g. I had a broken water hose during a 2 weeks holiday, which went unnoticed for several hours until a neighbour finally spotted it and could take action.
So this is how my sensor network looks today
Have a look at my Home Automation page for more.
Weekly Switch Clock
This is my weekly switch clock on basis of Arduino. I needed a weekly switch clock for my small aquarium. So the labels on the buttons are the German names for „Light“, „Filter“ and „Heating“.